Military Vehicle

What You Need to Know About Military Vehicle Transport

As military personnel, permanent change of station (PCS) or regular military move is inevitable. Even though many officers know this, it is usually a challenging process. The process is even more complex for personnel with families.

In such a situation, military vehicle transport is the only solution. Therefore, this article will help you enjoy affordable military vehicle shipping by revealing what you need to know about military car shipping. With that said, let’s get started. 

Military Vehicle Transport Explained

Military car transport is the process of transporting the vehicle of a member of the defense forces from one place to another. This transportation is usually coordinated via a service provider authorized to handle such transit. Furthermore, the process is directed by the DoD’s (Department of Defense) regulations and the branches of an individual service. 

When shipping overseas, you’ll need the government to authorize and cover the transport costs. On the other hand, the responsibility of moving your vehicle within a country falls on you. However, depending on the PCS order’s details, certain exceptions warrant the government’s assistance. 

The transportation process has some steps and requirements but is pretty straightforward. First of all, you’ll need to get your car ready for transport, then drop it at the selected processing center. After that, you’ll arrange the pickup with the destination processing center. 

Vehicle inspection must be thoroughly conducted. You must do this before you ship the car and after you pick it up. In addition, documenting the car’s condition before shipping is also paramount. Doing this will ensure you can get compensation if your vehicle is damaged during transportation.

When shipping motorcycles or unusual vehicles, there are special procedures and rules you might have to follow. In such cases, you must consult an armed forces transport advisor or transportation office. These individuals and services can guide you on the proper procedures to follow.

As we said, it is a somewhat complicated process, but specific resources can simplify it. Examples include online military communities, official armed forces websites, and installation transportation offices. You can click here to find out more about the installation transportation office. With these resources and careful planning, the whole process can be easy.

What Makes Military Vehicle Transportation Different

Certain elements make the transportation of a service member’s car different from that of a civilian. In this section, we’ll briefly discuss these elements. Let’s take a look. 

Government Assistance

As we mentioned earlier, when you are shipping your car out of a country, the government of the United States will pay the expenses for just one car that is privately owned by you or your family. Therefore, this is one benefit that service members enjoy from the government during a permanent change of station. The assistance of the government ensures that the military family has their car even when they arrive at the new location. 

Stringent Regulations

One thing about the military is that all processes and procedures must be followed strictly. The same applies to car shipping, and the regulations are set and equally enforced by the DoD. The regulations take into account everything ranging from the size and type of car permitted for shipping. 

They also have rules that determine what condition the vehicle must be in and what contents should be in the vehicle during transportation. This is different from civilian shipping, whereby personal belongings can be allowed in the car but at the owner’s risk. The service member must adhere to all these regulations if they want their car to be shipped. 

Frequent Need

The only time a civilian will consider shipping a car is when they just bought the car, or they are moving to a new home or state. In the case of military families, they might have to transport their vehicles frequently every 2 to 4 years during a permanent change of station. You can visit to learn more about permanent change of station. As a result, this procedure is a frequent need, which is the reason for the government’s assistance in the first place. 

Global Reach

Although many civilian shipping companies have international reach, none has the global reach of the U.S. government. As a result, the vehicle of military personnel can be shipped to any part of the world. This global reach allows them to deal with all the issues involved in shipping, including customs, quarantine regulations, and other such demands at the destination location. 


Military vehicle transport or shipping is the process of transporting the vehicle of a member of the defense forces from one place to another. When the steps involved in the process are followed carefully, the somewhat complex process can become simple. The article above has revealed some important things you need to know about this process.

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